Health and Fitness Tips:
Health is wealth and to achieve that wealth
one has to be positively active mentally and physically. To stay healthy, here
are some interesting Pakistani health and fitness tips, which are easy and can
be useful in our daily lives.
1. Move More:
To stay healthy one has to find ways to move
body. Pakistani health tips are to climb stairs, leave your chair in breaks,
chase your kids, toss balls with friends, mow the lawn and clean your room.
Moving your limbs is not only a healthy tool but stress buster also.
2. Cut Fat:
Avoid fatty foods; eat dairy products, fruits and
vegetables to stay healthy. To stay healthy, dairy products like cheese,
cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and
sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in
limited amounts.
3. Quit Smoking:
Do not smoke, eat gums if you feel it has
become a ‘must’ habit. Beware. Warn your children of the false romance or
'tough guy' stance of Hollywood smokers. For a healthy
life, Pakistani teens should follow this Pakistani healthy tip. Smoking causes
cancer. Think positive and adopt healthy attitude to life.
4. Reduce Stress:
Stress comes in different forms. Pakistani
men should think positive thoughts and spend 30 minutes of the day doing their favorite
healthy activity like walking on the beach or in a park; read a good book;
visit a friend; play with your dog; listen to soothing music; watch a funny
movie. To stay healthy, get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Count one to ten
before losing temper.
5. Avoid Pollution:
Another important Pakistani health tip
is to avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes
and exercising near busy thoroughfares.
6. Wear Seat Belt:
For a healthy and long living always tie
seat belt which alleviate potential injuries and add endurance to life. By following
this Pakistani health tip, one can stay active, safe and fit.
7. Floss Your Teeth:
For a healthy living, floss your teeth
and be your body's boss. Pakistani people who floss tend to be more, healthy
than people who don't?
8. Avoid excessive cold drinks:
Drinking too many cold drinks
can cause liver and kidney disease and cancer. Pakistani health tip of the day
is to drink eight glass of water a day to stay healthy and happy.
9. Keep a Positive Mental Outlook:
To stay healthy and well
there is a definitive connection. So always carry a positive and healthy
thought for the day.
10. Respect & Love Your Parents:
The link between genetics
and health is a powerful one. Respect and love your parents. Stay in touch with
them or be with them. For healthy life, be with your parents in hours of need
and stay connected.
Health Tips and information
1 Team Health is a health and fitness community. We offer guidance, coaching, lifestyle advice and better eating options to enable people to not only look better but feel better.
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