Tea Seller Daughter Now A Judge In The Same Court Where Father Sells Tea. An Inspiring Story!

Daughter joins same court as a judge where her father sells tea.

عدالت کے باہر چائے فروخت کرنیوالے کی بیٹی اسی عدالت کی جج لگ گئی

Surinder Kumar is the owner of a tea shop, and he sells tea inside the court complex of the sub-divisional magistrate in Jalandhar. Just like every father dreams, Surinder also felt that his daughter will achieve something big one day and make him proud. But he never thought that his daughter will go on to become a judge in the same court where he sells tea.
 A parent goes through many struggles in life to secure their child’s future. As a kid grows up to become something of their own, they don’t always realize the enormous trouble their parents have been through to make sure they reach this stage in life.

Yet, this 23-year-old girl, Shruti, will never forget her father’s struggle.

Shruti’s father, Surender Kumar has a tea shop in Jalandhar. The shop faces the court and he sells tea in the court complex of the sub-divisional magistrate in a small town in Jalandhar named Nakodar. He always dreamt that Shruti will do something big one day.

Today, he is a very proud father because his daughter will soon take the position of a Judge in the very same court.

عدالت کے باہر چائے فروخت کرنیوالے کی بیٹی 23 سالہ شروتی نے جج بن کر باپ کا سرفخر سے بلند کر دیا۔
نئی دہلی(ویب ڈیسک) بھارت کے ضلع جالندھر میں سب ڈویژنل مجسٹریٹ کمپلیکس کے باہر سرندر کمار ایک عرصے سے چائے فروخت کر رہے ہیں لیکن انہوں نے کبھی سوچا بھی نہ تھا کہ جس عدالت کے باہر کھڑے رہ کر وہ چائے فروخت کرتے ہیں اسی عدالت کے اندر جا کر ان کی بیٹی جج کے فرائض انجام دے گی۔

His 23-year-old daughter Shruti passed the Punjab Civil Services (Judicial) Examination in the first attempt, and after a year’s training at the academy, she is now ready to take the position of a Judge in the same court.

She will be trained for one year at the Judicial academy and thereafter she will take the position of a Judge in the same court where her father once served tea. Shruti, however, while speaking to Deccan Herald, modestly said that it is not just her who has tasted success but others too who despite hardships and financial crisis managed to make way to a bright future through their persistent hard work and determination.

While speaking to Deccan Herald, Shruti said its a dream come true. “I always wanted to be associated with the legal profession. I wanted to be a judge. I sat for the examination and stood first in the SC category,” she said.
23سالہ شروتی نے پنجاب سول سروس کا امتحان پاس کر کے اکیڈمی میں ایک سال کی تربیت حاصل کی اور اب وہ لوگوں کو انصاف فراہم کر رہی ہیں ۔انہوں نے بتایا کہ وہ ہمیشہ سے ہی قانون کے پیشے سے منسلک ہونا چاہتی تھی اور دل میں جج بننے کی خواہش تھی جس کی تکمیل کیلئے دن رات محنت کی اور سول سروس کا امتحان پاس کر کے اپنے باپ کا سر فخر سے بلند کر دیا۔
Her wise words right prove the maturity that she carries even in her young age. We sincerely hope that she will make correct judgements and inspire many to pursue their dreams without letting their challenges binding them down.
Your father must be so proud Shruti, and so are we.
News Source: Deccan Herald
Image Source: Dainik Bhaskar


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