This is me, this is my team and we are partying after winning the series


National cricketer Hassan Ali described the style of the video of the girl circulating on social media after winning the series against South Africa.

 "It's me, it's mine team and we are partying after winning the series.”

A few days ago on social media, a YouTuber and V-logger Dananeer shared a video on her social media accounts in which she speaks Urdu in English and says, "This is our car, and this is us and this is our pawri (party). " She wrote in the caption of the video. "When the burgers go on a tour of the Northern Territory, they say, 'This is our pawri.'

 The video went so viral that besides social media users, artists from the Pakistani showbiz industry also started making comedy videos and memes, while YouTuber Yashraj Mukhate from India also wrote a song on it. Dananeer also edited and shared on her accounts.

A funny video was also made on it by national cricketer Hassan Ali. After winning the series against South Africa, Hassan Ali said in the style of Dananeer, "This is me, this is my team and we are partying after winning the series. ''.

 یہ ہماری ٹیم ہے



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