Difference Between the Rich and Poor in Pakistan

Poverty and the growing difference between the rich and poor in Pakistan:

Pakistan, in the past few years, has been target to many issues which include terrorism, inflation and failed democracy but perhaps the main issue the country faces is poverty. The situation in the past three years has changed from bad to worse with the people from the rural areas of the country facing times tougher than ever to feed their families.

The inflation rate in Pakistan stands at 11.5% and the prices of the basic necessities of life and the prime commodities have risen by over 150% in the last five years. The government has failed to come up to terms with the rising prices of goods and have lost the vote of the majority.
The basic problem in the country has been that the rich are becoming richer every year and the poor are becoming poorer. The greater the difference becomes or greater the disparity between the classes, the worst the situation gets
and the backwards we go.

The basic reason for this is that there is no transparency whatsoever. The upper-class has all the luxuries of life and finds a way not to pay taxes and it is the middle and lower class that has to suffer that burden.

The politicians spend millions in their political campaigns and promise everything to the people who trust him but the promises eventually bite the dust when they get what they want. They recover those millions and forget what they were elected for in the first place. The poor man stands in disgust and once again feels betrayed by the people who he thought would help him and waits five years in hope of redeeming the decision.

The country needs a revolution and this is surely the best time. It will be too late if we wait any longer. The time has come when the people who own this country do something for it. This is surely not the land our forefathers had sacrificed their lives for and we are to blame for the condition our country is in right now. The nation has to stand up and the people should fight for their rights as they truly deserve the right people in power.

Beautiful Song on Difference between the Rich & Poor:


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